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Course Scotia 2019

Samedi 27 et dimanche 28 avril 2019 : Défi Caritatif Banque Scotia 21Km et 5Km.

Avec les étudiants de mon laboratoire nous avons créé une équipe qui participera à l’événement Défi caritatif Banque Scotia 21k de Montréal 2019.
Cet événement est soutenu par la fondation de l’hôpital Sainte Justine.
Cet événement nous permettra de collecter des fonds pour  l’amélioration de la qualité des soins des enfants avec maladies inflammatoires intestinales (maladie de Crohn, colite ulcéreuse et maladie coeliaque)
Si vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez commanditer notre équipe en faisant un don en ligne. Mais également si vous le souhaitez vous pouvez vous inscrire et courir avec nous.
Si vous êtes dans l’impossibilité de contribuer financièrement, un simple message de soutien sur notre mur sera également très apprécié. Lien identique 
Un gros merciiiiiiiii
Course / montreal /Crohn /Colite ulcereuse/Hôpital Sainte Justine/CHU Sainte-Justine


IBD Etiology

Heureux d’avoir obtenu ce financement  des Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada (IRSCIRSC qui nous permettra en collaboration avec ma consœur Dr Marie-Claude Rousseau de INRS – Armand Frappier de mener notre projet concernant les facteurs de risques associés aux Maladies Inflammatoires Intestinales.


Lifecourse puzzlee ibd

Studying inflammatory bowel disease etiology: a life course approach

Inflammatory bowel disease is a chronic disease of the gut. It affects digestion and absorption of food, and elimination of waste. Its causes are unknown. After many studies, researchers have only been able to identify a few risk factors with certainty. They include family history of the disease and cigarette smoking.

The causes of this disease are still unknown, but some researchers think that certain times in life could be more critical for the development of the disease. Our goal is to clarify the causes of disease, and identify which ones could be targeted by prevention program.

We will study medical, lifestyle, and psychosocial factors from the time of birth until adult years. We will determine if they are linked to the development of the disease. These factors are for example prematurity, breastfeeding, antibiotic use, diet, smoking, stress. We will also study carefully when these factors occur during a person’s life.

For this research, we will use a cohort of about 400,000 persons born between 1970 and 1974, in the province of Quebec, Canada. We created this cohort for a previous study by linking together some provincial administrative databases. Data on medical services and hospitalizations for inflammatory bowel disease were obtained until 2014 and will be used to determine who is affected by the disease.

Then, we will ask about 2600 persons of the cohort to complete a web survey to obtain additional information. Among the participants, we will compare persons who have the disease to those who do not, and evaluate what are the key moments throughout their lives when these factors could increase the risk of the disease.

This research will help understanding which factors increase the risk of inflammatory bowel disease by detecting if there are certain times in a person’s life that are especially important. We will produce crucial information to establish prevention programs.

Lancement de l’étude ViDiPeC : Vitamin D in Pediatric Crohn’s Disease

The Vitamin D in Pediatric Crohn’s Disease is multicentric Randomized Controlled Trial of High Dose Vitamin D in Children With Newly Diagnosed Crohn’s Disease for the Prevention of Relapses. https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/record/NCT02186275

Logo Vidipec


This study have been approved by Health Canada and is supported by the Canadian Children Inflammatory Bowel Disease Network (CiDSCANN) and Crohn’s and Colitis Canada.

IBD database | Base de données sur les MII

IBD database | Base de données sur les MII

Building a database for inflammatory bowel disease:

Sans titre

Here are the three parts video of the webinar about building a database for IBD

PART1: Why, How and when

Part 2: Live Demo

Part 3: Security and Filemaker server


For those who are interested in acquiring a license of the database, please feel free to contact us by using the following form.