Archives dans juin 2019

Conseils du Doc Vol. 10: Cancer du colon | Facteurs de risques

Le cancer du colon touche chaque année des milliers d’individus de par le monde.

À titre d’exemple, en 2018, 1,8 million de nouveaux cas ont été identifiés et 881 000 décès liés à ces cancers.


Des Stratégies de dépistages du cancer colo-rectal existent et varient selon chaque pays/région.

Au Québec, le programme de dépistage du cancer colorectal a été mis en place par le ministère de la santé et des services sociaux et  s’adresse surtout aux personnes de 50 ans à 74 ans ou à ceux ayant des facteurs de risques personnels ou familiaux.

Facteurs de risque

Les facteurs de risques de cancer du colon ont été identifiés et reposent en majorité sur des facteurs modifiables :  Activité physique, fibres alimentaires (risque plus faible) ou d’autres qui sont liés à un risque plus élevés tels : la consommation d’ alcool, de tabac, le surpoids ou l’obésité et un tour de taille important.

Des données récentes montrent que certains de ces facteurs sont associés à un risque différent selon la localisation du cancer (colon versus rectum).

The Paradigm Shift in Postgraduate Thesis Writing

The Inspire Project is also about identifying and supporting talents.
👉🏿 Here is a recent paper we published with one of our colleague Dr. Bamidele Johnson Alegbeleye, a surgeon working in hard conditions in the war zone in NOSO #Cameroon
Despite these conditions, he is fully motivated to pursue an academic career and we support him.
Please read and share this paper 📄 📬


A paradigm shift may be defined as a fundamental change in the basic concepts and experimental practices of a scientific discipline. The paradigm shift is a concept initially propounded by the American physicist and philosopher Thomas Kuhn in 1964. The populist saying is “the only thing that is constant in nature is change.”

Globally, there is obviously a “Paradigm Shift” in thesis writing but several teachers, trainers, mentors, and academicians in scientific institutions are unaware of the new order of progress in postgraduate research writing. This article, therefore, is aimed at informing the readers about this paradigm shift.

The role of research writing to our society cannot be overemphasized. The creation of a new approach to research writing especially that of PhD by publication has a wide range of benefits yet to be mined by our scientific world. This has far-reaching implications to postgraduate students, especially in Africa.

These Postgraduate students are particularly interested in making a significant improvement in their study programs in general. As more African institutions may be considering ‘shifting’ to this format through institutional policy and practice, it becomes imperative to consider whether the format can act as the well – sorted antidote to the ills of high doctoral dropout rates; low and slow doctoral throughput rates; and the academic isolation doctoral candidates may experience.

Several hurdles, however, need to be overcome to harness these gains. There is a wake-up call to all: sundry, government, trainers and academicians to collaborate so that we could make this world a better place through scientific discoveries by research with attendant benefits after all.